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Ketogenic diet

Nina's story- Epilepsy and the ketogenic diet


In this article, Nina introduces herself and provides us with an insight into her daily life as well as her experiences with epilepsy and the ketogenic diet.


8 min

Nina's profile

Name: Nina

Country: Germany

Diagnosis: Epilepsy

Ketogenic diet since: 2019

Favourite food: cold cucumber-avocado soup

About me:

My name is Nina, I'm 30 years young, and I'm part of a loud, large, and loving blended family. I live together with my boyfriend in Upper Bavaria. There, we have created a beautiful home where we enjoy hosting friends and family. My greatest passion is baking cakes and pastries. I also find great joy in coming up with creative recipe ideas. In my free time, I like to hang out with friends in the city, go cycling, or simply relax and put my feet up :). On hot summer days, you'll find me by the lake, soaking up the sun. Professionally, I work as a speech therapist in a school and in a kindergarten for individuals with special needs. I love my job. I can empathize particularly well with children with epilepsy and their parents because I myself have epilepsy. Today, I can openly talk about it, which wasn't always the case.

My Journey to the Ketogenic Diet

At the age of 6, I had my first seizure, which was initially diagnosed as a febrile seizure. Afterward, the seizures became more frequent, and at the age of 7, I received the diagnosis of epilepsy. I used to have numerous seizures and auras weekly. After trying many ineffective medications and undergoing a somewhat unsuccessful surgery, I had to consider other options. In 2018, a neurologist in Munich recommended the ketogenic diet to me. Despite my desperation, I was initially very skeptical about this idea. I adamantly refused to change my diet. The effort seemed too significant, and I doubted its effectiveness – my suffering was not yet severe enough at that time. It was only when the seizures worsened, accompanied by panic attacks, and I was confronted with a life without independence that I saw the ketogenic diet as a possible solution.

My advice: Try to educate yourselves independently and gradually reduce carbohydrates. This will make it easier for you during the adjustment period in the clinic. Don't be discouraged if ketosis isn't always perfect or if you make mistakes in measuring. The ketogenic diet and its success are worth the effort.

Nina's advice for getting started

The Modified Atkins Diet (MAD)

I had to wait a year for my appointment at the clinic to start the ketogenic diet. Therefore, I educated myself in advance with the help of books and started with a self-experiment. I gave up potatoes, baked goods, rice, pasta, and the like. It was not an easy step, but it simplified the start in the clinic for me enormously. Already on the first day there, I also learned about the Kanso products and was allowed to test the MCT oil, MCT margarine, and Keto CacaoBar during my stay, which made the dietary transition easier for me. My ketosis level confirmed that I responded directly to it, and my seizures also became less frequent.


Today, thanks to the Modified Atkins Diet (MAD), I am doing well. Although I occasionally have seizures at night, these are usually attributable to stressful situations. The ketogenic diet is generally easy for me to follow today, with occasional exceptions. Above all, Kanso products are a great help due to their high MCT content. KetoEpi, MCTfiber, and KetoBiota are part of my daily routine. It would be untrue if I claimed to always adhere to the ketogenic diet 100 percent meticulously. Especially when dining out, I have become more relaxed and occasionally allow myself to be a bit less strict with measuring. But even in unmotivated times, I remind myself of the success and am especially grateful for the support of my boyfriend and my family. I am proud to have embarked on the path of the ketogenic diet because it has made my life easier in every way and has given me back my independence.

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