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Provides 1893.1 kcal per 660.5 g


For the dough:   
100 g KetoBaking Mix (Kanso) 
66.5 g (5 sachets) MCTfiber (Kanso)
7 g Xanthan
7 g Baking powder
1 tbsp. Erythritol
75 ml Water
45 ml Olive oil
2 tsp. Salt
40 g Soy yogurt, without sugar
15 ml Vinegar
For the topping:   
40 g Ajvar
50 g Mushrooms
60 g Pepper, yellow
60 g Rocket
80 g Gouda
Used Kanso products
Kanso MCTfiber
Step 1

Preheat oven to 160°C (top/bottom heat) and line a baking tray with baking paper.

Step 2

For the dough, mix KetoBaking Mix, MCTfiber, xanthan, baking powder and erythritol in a bowl. Then add water, olive oil, salt, soy yogurt and vinegar and knead with the dough hook until a uniform dough. Divide the finished dough into 8 equal pieces and shape. 

Step 3

Bake the dough in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, weigh, wash and chop the vegetables.

Step 4

Spread 5 g of ajvar on each pizzini dough and top with the prepared vegetables.

Step 5

Finally, spread the Gouda on top and bake in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Nutritional values


Total (8 pizzini - 660.5 g) Per portion (82.6 g)
Ketogenic Ratio 2.2:1 2.2:1
Energy (kcal) 1893.1 236.6
Fat (g)  145.3 18.2
of which MCT (g) 50.0 6.3
Carbohydrates (g) 23.3 2.9
Protein (g) 43.9 5.5