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Ketogenic diet

Kyle's 11th birthday

It was an excellent fit, the birthday fell on a Friday and we invited godfathers and friends.

3 min

Kyle's profile

Name: Kyle

Country: Germany

Diagnosis: epilepsy, Fox G1 syndrome

Ketogenic nutrition therapy since: 2019

Favorite food: Salmon with spinach and cauliflower, ketogenic gummy bears.

Kyle loves music.

On Fridays, we often have a therapy day, which means Kyle stays at home and gets to sleep in longer. Around 11 o'clock, we head to the physiotherapy session, and he is in great shape and highly motivated. For Kyle's birthday, the physiotherapist came up with something special, and it was truly remarkable. A CD played the song "Happy Birthday to you" in about 12 different languages. He was already smiling during the English version, and he laughed out loud during the French lyrics. He adores his current physiotherapist, who has been with us for 6 years now. With her, he gets to do trampoline exercises. For that, we place Kyle in a harness system, similar to a skydiver, and suspend it from the ceiling hooks.

We have a fondness for cheesecake in our family, and we try it in many variations. Ambition wanted me to try my hand at a ketogenic cheesecake variation for Kyle's birthday.

Kyles Mama ist kreativ

Ketogenic Birthday Cake

In the afternoon, the guests arrived for coffee. Since April marks the beginning of strawberry season, and we love this fruit in all its variations, we opted for a cheesecake with Keto Epi 2:1 creamy and a strawberry topping for a fruity touch. For those who aren't big fans of the creamy texture of cheesecake, I also baked some madeleines. Interestingly, my husband and our little brother Noé are on the "sponge cake" team. However, the cheesecake enthusiasts agreed that they had something different in mind when it came to a ketogenic cake. It's fascinating to see how expectations and reality can diverge. The motto is to simply give it a try.

Spending the day with friends and relatives

An "old" acquaintance also joined us for coffee. She was the integration assistant at the kindergarten who had been with Kyle since his first year in daycare. Kyle was just 18 months old when Sabine became a part of his daycare life. We were fortunate because Sabine had training as a caregiver. When epilepsy started, she shrugged and said it could be managed and wouldn't be a problem in his care. Fortunately, it didn't take long, and epilepsy was under control with the ketogenic diet! I wish that for every child.

Sabine had barely been in our dining room for 5 minutes when she had already sat Kyle on her lap and showed him the gifts she had brought for him. He received a small hand drum and a wooden rattle. His joy was immense, especially when Sabine gave him a little serenade. Music is Kyle's great love. He instantly brightens up when someone sings or plays the drums.

In the evening, Kyle's godfather, with the help of a character and a very nice bedtime story, brought excitement. It was an all-around successful day, and Kyle went to bed in the evening with a smile and overwhelmed by all the impressions of the day.

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